Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wednesday - February 3, 2010

Hello again from The West Texas Vast Right Wing Conspirators Association.


This past week I received my home telephone bill from VERIZON. Of course the first thing I noticed was that there had been a rate increase and of course there had been no prior notification of said rate increase. A couple of years back I had cancelled a number of services which I had not requested and for which I was charged a monthly charge. So once again I began to go line by line of the extra charges. Of course the charge for my two residence lines was as it should have been. Ah, but then there began to appear several items which I am not sure of their exact use and if I do understand them, why are they there.

Interstate subscriber line charge is something which I guess I understand BUT I do not make long distance telephone calls from my home phone. I either use my cell phone which service is provided by VERIZON also. Then came a few items which I am not entirely sure of.

Interstate non-primary access................. $ 7.00

Cost of service surcharge ....................... .06

Texas Universal Service .......................... 1.30

Municipal Right-of-Way ........................... 1.38

Emergency Service Charge ..................... 1.00

Federal Universal Service Fee................. .92

Federal Universal Service Fee ................ .99

Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting.............. 5.00

Federal Excise Tax .................................. 1.55

City Sales Tax .......................................... .79

County Sales Tax...................................... .26

State Tax................................................... 3.43

TOTAL ...................................................... $23.68

If I desire to keep a home hard line telephone I will continue to be nickled and dimed to death by these jerks.

Of course if I had a long distance service through VERIZON I would be paying an additional $4.00 per month. If I made long distance calls totaling $4 I would be charged $4. If I made $10 worth of long distance calls, I would, of course, be charge long distance charges of $10. BUT if I had long distance service with VERIZON and made NO LONG DISTANCE CALLS, I would still be charged a minimum of $4.00 per month for, now get this, a NON-USE charge.

I can recall the days PRIOR to the federal government got involved in the de-regulation of many services. Seems to me as if things were much simpler back then and all these idiotic add on charges were pretty well non-existent.

The point is, that in spite of the old commercial, any of these telephone companies ACT as if they are the ONLY PHONE COMPANY IN TOWN. All of them will do you the same way. Their original sales pitch on your monthly costs are all a pack of lies. Who in the hell do they think they are? The federal government?


This past week on the editorial page of the (Below) Standard Times I noticed a couple of letters to the editor. Now I don't know who makes the choice on which letters are printed but I sometimes get the distinct impression that some of the letter writers and some of the staff who choose the letters to be printed all have the intellectual depth of a lima bean.

One person wrote a letter in which he first of all attacked an editorial contributor, Star Parker, because she believed in prayer. I knew from his second sentence that he and I would probably never attend a sporting event together.

But the straw which broke the camel's back was when he began to take up for Keith Olberman. According to this mental giant: "Try watching his show for a week. If you don't think he is telling the truth and isn't the smartest 'sportscaster' you ever saw, then I will not write another letter to the editor for three years."

"I feel sad about people who call who call our president names and think he's 'liberal' (that's a good one). They are taking us down a worse path than Barack Obama could even imagine."

Of course he went on to allude to the accusation that anyone who was not totally enamored with the world's most articulate and intelligent human are taking the country down a worse path than Barack Obama could even imagine.

One must wonder that if a pea fell on this person's head if he would jut bypass "Henny Penny", "Foxy Loxy" and "Turkey Lurkey" and go right to the King to advise him that the sky was indeed falling.

Then one of the local editorial writers wrote an article pretty much blaming the United States for the horrible conditions in Haiti going back to 1804 when the black slaves and "local Indians" revolted and defeated the French to become an "Independent Haiti". Of course this editorial writer neglected to tell what happened to every white resident of this Jewel of the Caribbean. If memory serves me correctly, the freed slaves killed every white person in this banana republic. Ah, but let us not forget that this freedom loving country was, in the not too distant past, ruled by Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and then by his turd son Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier. Then they were followed by the "Democratically Elected" government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was only marginally better than team Duvalier.

In truth, Haiti is probably the most poorly governed country in our hemisphere. Now keep in mind this includes the corrupt government of Mexico and other Central and South American countries. Again, it is time to blame America and try to put us all on a guilt trip. Sorry boys, won't work with sane Americans. But if you socialist bozos want to feel guilty, feel free to do so.


Tony Knott, Ann Fraley, Tony Aguilar, Julio Mirales - HOBBS,NM; Ella Dunlop, Frank Connelly - SAN ANTONIO,TX; George Brogdon - MIDWAY,TX; Irma & L.T. Drennan - ADA,OK; Susan O'Brien - VACAVILLE,CA; Dan Higdon - FLORENCE,OR; Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak - ORLANDO,FL; Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban - MD; Kate Powell - LOS ANGLES,CA; Janet Smith -OR; Lanelle Kittlestad - PLANT CITY,FL; Bob Love - ABILENE,TX; Alex Barker - SNELLVILLE,GA; Alan Miller, Capt. John B. McKamey,USN,Ret - PENSACOLA,FL; John Bowcutt - WA; Rudy Bates, MSgt. Randy Morrow, Cpl. Brandon Robinson, SSgt. Eric Harmon, SSgt. Matthew Ross, Alex Boyd, Capt. Bjorn Thoreen, 2NDLT. Michael Rice,GySgt. James Walker, 2NDLT. George R. Zeigler - USMC; Jason Plilar, Kenneth Thomas - USCG; SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, A1C Elizabeth Barber & Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, SSgt. Aaron Brown - USAF; Capt. Brian Kriss- TxANG; Lt. William Jourdan, CDR Robert McLay, ENSGN Tommy Brown, Lt. Michael Brown - US NAVY; Levi English, Ethan English, Russell Brown - US NAVAL ACADEMY; SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES; SSgt. Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, PFC Richard Lee Bishop, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Sgt. Mark Goodwin, LTC. Robbie Bell - US ARMY; John Mallory - DEA; Fr. Joseph M. Peek; Cathy Fellowes Hill, Cindy Hogman, Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families - All of our men and women serving in combat zones.


"Former Ambassador John Bolton has written a book titled 'Surrender is Not an Option'. But that is an option for the kind of people at the top in the Obama administration."...................... THOMAS SOWELL

"The stakes in this fall's elections go far beyond the fate of either the Republican party or the Democratic party. The fate of America is on the line. The Republicans need to understand that --- and to understand that they are not simply 'due' because of the polls.".............. THOMAS SOWELL

"It's time we reduced the Federal budget and left the family budget alone."............................. RONALD REAGAN

"I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.".......................... HARRY TRUMAN


President Barack Hussein Obama; Nancy Pelosi; Harry Reid; Diane Feinstein; Barbara Boxer; Maxine Waters; Barney Frank; Chris Dodd; Arlen Specter; AG Eric Holder; Olympia Snowe (R); Henry Waxman; Vice President Joe Biden; Sheila Jackson Lee; Jack Murtha; Jimmy Carter; George Soros; Keith Olberman (MSNBC); Rachel Maddow (MSNBC); HS Secretary Janet Napolitano; White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; Ezekiel Emanuel; HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Chuck Schumer; New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin; Richard Durbin; John Kerry; Hillary Clinton; Bill Clinton; White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs; Patrick Leahy; Bobby Rush; Colin Powell (RINO); Imaginary Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson; Richard Lugar (R); Lindsey Graham (R); Jay Rockefeller; Max Baucus; Susan Estrich; Al Gore; Charles Rangel; John Conyers; Steny Hoyer; Al (Mr. Toad) Franken; Susan Collins (R); Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor; Linda Sanchez; Blanche Lincoln; Geraldo Rivera (FOX News); Chris Matthews (MSNBC); Markos Zuniga (Daily KOS); Whoopi Goldberg (The View); Joy Behar (The View); Bill Maher (HBO); Shepard Smith (FOX News); New York Governor David Paterson; Michael Moore; Danny Glover; Oprah Winfrey; John Edwards; ACLU; THE UNITED NATIONS: ACORN; CODE PINK; LULAC; PETA; LA RAZA; AARP; NY TIMES; LA TIMES; CHICAGO TRIBUNE; SEIU; SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER; MOVEON.ORG; AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL; CAIR


This morning in our local newspaper, the (Sub) Standard Times, I spotted an article regarding the upcoming Texas Governor's race. I am not sure who is running on the Democrat/Socialist side but the Republican primary will have three candidates. The incumbent Governor, Rick Perry; U.S. Senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is giving up her Senate seat to seek the Governor's office and a nice lady from Wharton, Texas, Mrs. Medina.

Anyway, Kay Bailey Hutchison found it necessary to attack the present Governor in an article in which she accused him of "listening to lobbyists". Wow! What a startling revelation. Imagine that. A politician listening to lobbyists. I'm sure Senator Hutchison has never listened to a lobbyist. What a joke. As you may have gathered I have very little use for Senator Hutchison.


Here is a flash. Nancy Pelosi wants to "Freeze" the defense budget. Yeah, let's do that. Freeze the defense budget and send everything else to Haiti. Makes perfect sense to me.


Wonder how much longer it will be before George Bush gets the full blame for the Haitian earthquake? Hell, the Democrats/Socialists have blamed him for everything else. Perhaps the Haitians are a bit like Obama. Perhaps they "Inherited" the earthquake from Bush, much like Obama blames everything negative regarding his administration as something he inherited from the Previous Administration.


Last Saturday we took a group of Korean students to tour the Caverns of Sonora which is located a little over an hour away from San Angelo. We had a really good time and I believe the students did also.


That about does it for this week.

See ya next week.


A Nation of Fools

A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry (

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“Step right up, ladies and gents….this is an offer you can’t afford to miss.”

The current occupant of the United States White House missed his calling. In former times he would have been extremely successful as a snake oil salesman. Peddling his wares from town to town and then slipping out quietly before anyone had discovered they had been hoodwinked. Another option for him would have been the old shell game, in fact that might have been his profession in a former life since it seems he is so proficient at this today.

Cutting about 17% of the federal budget (next year) while increasing the federal deficit by over 1 ½ trillion dollars and making statements that he (Obama) considered himself to be a good steward of the nations money is ludicrous. This is the consummate shell game.

When confronted with the tax implications which were presented on Monday, the President responded (as if we didn’t know) that “it wasn’t his fault; this was the result of decisions made by the previous (Bush) administration. I wonder how long the American public is going to put up with this classic case of the blame game. Sure there were mistakes made, as well as deficits created by the last administration but wasn’t this guy elected on the platform of Hope and Change? It appears to me that we’re still hoping for something to change. Carrying forward with the same polices as before certainly isn’t anything to write home about. Neither is blaming your current actions on someone else the quality of a responsible leader…this is equal to children placing blame for a broken window. “It’s Georges fault” must echo throughout the halls of the Oval Office on an constant basis.

With the expiration of the tax rates instituted by the Bush administration, all tax brackets will revert back their former levels. The capital gains tax will increase for some American from 15% to 20%. Taxing dividends on stocks is also included in this package of grief from the Obama machine. Raising taxes on investments and individuals who own businesses does not generate jobs and encourage capital expenditures. Issuing more so called ‘stimulus’ money to increase the number of police officers, firefighters and teachers is certainly an admirable program, but hardly helps a capitalistic society. The police, fire and public schools of this nation are not revenue generators, they exist solely as a result of the taxes paid from businesses and individuals. All we are seeing thus far is another attempt to strangle the growth of the business sector while increasing the growth of the governmental sector. This smacks of socialism to me, not a concept of a capitalistic society.

What the struggling housing market needed was another road block such as limiting the amount of interest that could be deducted from an individuals income taxes. Obama and crew apparently are under the impression that anyone, anyone who earns over $200,000 per year is in their of the rich and super wealthy. Makes you want to try harder, doesn’t it? Check out the news on taxes today and you’ll see hundreds of suggestions as to how to change your corporate structure as well as suggestions for moving offshore to avoid these higher paying brackets. Are people going to just roll over and pay more because they want to? I don’t think so.

Reduction of the tax deductions for charities is another ‘who came up with this one’ idea included in the current budget. Charities are not funded entirely by super wealthy individuals, but by Americans in all levels of the economic strata. Reducing those deductions will lead to more governmental interference and larger governmental attempts to help the needy in this country. Thus those receiving these handouts will certainly be inclined to become more and more dependent upon the government for their support. Of course for a socialistic driven administration, that would be the purpose, wouldn’t it? Raising taxes on individuals while lowering their deductions in a stagnant economy is fundamentally insane. This country is supported by the growth and prosperity of business. Look at the states that are basically anti-business, one large one, out West starts with a “C” and is currently on the verge of bankruptcy. These states are losing business right and left as firms are moving to more hospitable locations. What do you think it going to happen if the entire nation becomes anti-business?

Does France seem so outrageous? At some point it becomes very attractive.

No, the sad thing about today is that we are currently living in a nation where those in power have for the most part never been in power except in the government. Owning a successful business of any size takes skill as well as being a competent juggler. To manage cash flow against payables and receivables while remaining competitive as well as maintaining a loyal, happy, competent and efficient workforce is not for the faint of heart. Washington is full of incompetents who are telling us how to run our lives while they do not possess the business acumen to operate a snow cone stand in Arizona in August.

The only bright spot in the budget was the elimination of the death tax in 2010; however it is estimated to be reinstated next year. So if you’re planning on leaving anything to your kids, die now…otherwise Obama and company will be knocking on your surviors door.

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